8 brave souls signed up What a great experience! Huge thanks for the support and group vibes to The Stoned Apes - @joshuatneale @toastappard @kate_cheeseman @paul_murphy75 @lauren__cooney @aurorafearnley @alexrichardson - go nightshift!!!
At the end of April I joined ‘No Direction Home’s 2 Week Writing Challenge’ with 7 more brave souls. The idea originally came from the www.scriptshadow.net, and @halflifefilms Matt magnificently lead us through it. The challenge was to write a 1st draft of a feature screenplay in 14 days. It took me a little longer but proud to say I did it and managed to write a feature in under 3 weeks! I found it a really liberating experience, with a daily post to inspire/kick your ass into gear, a WhatsApp group to share the pain, and a maxim of KEEP WRITING! At times it seemed impossible but writing 8 pages/4 scenes a day and keeping going irrespective of how I was feeling was liberating. I’m mad keen to do it again, so if anyone wants to have an adventure in screenwriting let me know!
Paul Murphy
Hey all, just a shout out to say a big thanks for moral support. I have official finished my first feature film script. I sure wouldn’t have done it without the group.
Aurora Fearnley
Hi all - and to the night shift posse: I hope your 14th and final session went well. Captain Matt Motivator, thank you for organising this weird and wonderful group writing experience. I now have a 96 page 1st draft script of an idea that I had given up on and pretty much consigned to my mental 'yeh right, that's just absurd' ideas bin. It's been so liberating to write for fourteen days straight (!) without trying to achieve impossible 'perfection' and without beating myself up about how hokey the dialogue sounds or how utterly ridiculous some of my scenes might be... my only aim has been to get from my initial idea's opening scene A to final scene Z. Well, I did it and I've enjoyed the 'journey'. I'll revisit when I've got the energy to pursue and craft a better 2nd draft. Meanwhile, thank you again Capt Harlock and thank you to everyone in this NDH Filmmakers group. A fortnight ago we took a leap and wherever you currently find yourself and your story, here's a BIG F**KING CONGRATULATIONS to all of us... because together we've each now made a significant start. Have a sunny day : )
Toa Stoppard
Well done everyone. I haven’t got to the end but have really valued the support structure and experience. 70 pages I’m fairly happy with(for now). First feature script so feels good. Thank you so much for setting up and regular posts Matt.
Josh Neale